• Societal and economic transition & Risk management

Center for research in foreign cultures, languages and literature (CECILLE )

Research unit - ULR 4074


CECILLE is a pluri-, trans- and interdisciplinary unit that brings together researchers specializing in many scientific fields (literature, humanities, languages, translation, civilization, sociology, media studies, etc.) and working in a wide variety of linguistic areas (English, German, Spanish, Russian, Polish, Japanese, Arabic, Hebrew, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Scandinavian, Chinese, etc.). Our research activities are based on cross-cultural, literary, historical, sociological, geopolitical, translational, and media approaches. Our team's work is based on an in-depth dialogue between social sciences and the arts, with the aim of breaking down disciplinary and national barriers in order to critically analyze past and/or current cultural and social changes.


  • Fiona Mccann


3, rue du Barreau, Bâtiment B
Campus Pont-de-Bois, Université de Lille


Center for research in foreign cultures, languages and literature


Effectif total : 226



• Social sciences and sociology
• Literature
• Languages: English, German, Spanish, Russian, Polish, Japanese, Arabic, Hebrew, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Scandinavian, Chinese...
• Civilization
• Media
• Poetics and politics
• Feminisms, gender(s) and intersectionality
• Powers, societies, cultures
• Translation and mediation
• Area approaches: Asia, Ireland, The Americas, Mediterranean and Near East, Romance Worlds.
• Intercultural practices, social inclusion and human development

Example(s) of projects

• ANR project "CHispa" - "Creation of tools for the digital exploitation of Hispanic manuscripts" (2014-2017)
• ANR Project "Cathaya Program" - "Cultural transfers between China and Europe (17th - 18th centuries): exchanges, aesthetics of chinoiserie and identity constructions" (2014-2017)
• EPIRE Project - Practical and Interlaboratory Studies of Established Religions
• LAI (Laboratoire Associé International) "The writing of exile in the feminine. The dialogue between languages, cultures and ideas, in the European and Mediterranean space (XIXth-XXIst centuries)"
• TRANS HYB Project (AAP Flash - I-Site) // CPER MAUVE

Example(s) of publications

- Romanticism and Time: Literary Temporalities" by Sophie Laniel-Musitelli & Céline Sabiron (eds)
• The Spies of Her Majesty - A History of British Intelligence" by Emilie Berthillot
• "Brejnev. The Antihero" by Andrei Kozovoi
• Men in the American Women's Rights Movement, 1830-1890: Cumbersome Allies" by Hélène Quanquin
• "Arts and Journalism" by Cathy Fourez and Michèle Guillemont
• The Genesis of Japanese Studies in Europe. Around the Léon de Rosny fund in Lille" by Noriko Berlinguez-Kôno
• Performance, Modernity and the Plays of J. M. Synge" by Hélène Lecossois
• "Political Bodies. Sports in the struggles of black Americans for equality since the late 19th century." by Nicolas Martin-Breteau

See the full list of publications here.

Services offers

Applications sectors

  • Science / Research

Services provided

We are unable to offer any services at this time.


We do not offer access to any equipment.


Affiliated institutions / organisations


Doctoral schools

Regional strategic areas of activity

  • Societal and economic transition & Risk management