• Health and Nutrition

Efficacy and resistance to anti-tumour targeted therapies (CANTHER)

Research team - UMR9020 CNRS – UMR1277 Inserm


The overall objective of our team is to decipher the molecular mechanisms leading to oncogenic addiction, then to the process of resistance, in order to improve the effectiveness of targeted therapies. We focus on lung and prostate cancer and their metastatic stage, both of which are the leading cause of cancer mortality. We benefit from our expertise in oncogenes whose involvement in each of these cancers is well documented, including tyrosine kinase activity receptors (RTK) and ETS fusion genes. We are also developing new therapeutic approaches to correct non-sense mutations that account for 5-40% of mutations affecting tumour suppressor genes and are responsible for about 10% of genetic diseases.


  • David Tulasne
    Research director


1, place de Verdun, Bâtiment Cancer
Campus Santé, Université de Lille
59045 LILLE



Effectif total : 12

Personnel d'appui à la recherche : 4



• Oncogenes
• Targeted therapies
• Resistance to targeted anti-tumor therapies
• Involvement of the tyrosine kinase MET receptor in cancer
• ETS mergers in prostate cancer and metastatic formation
• Bone metastases and HTA transcription factors
• Mechanisms of resistance to targeted therapies and evaluation of innovative therapeutic strategies.
• Non-sense mutations in cancers and other genetic diseases

Example(s) of publications

Our publications can be found here : 🡭

Services offers

Applications sectors

  • Health / wellness
  • Science / Research


Affiliated institutions / organisations

Unit(s) of attachment

Regional strategic areas of activity

  • Health and Nutrition
    • New therapeutic approaches