• Cultural and creative industries
  • Digital World and Robotics

Interactions Platform


The Interactions platform was designed to be a showcase of the research activities conducted in the IT department of the LAMIH UMR CNRS 8201 on the one hand and a test bed for the evaluation of our solutions.

The Interactions platform is a unifying project that brings together several research themes of members of the department: Artificial Intelligence, Mobile Systems, Embedded Systems, Multi-Agent Systems, Cybersecurity, IHM.

The work carried out on the platform Interactions within the framework of the various lines of research of the department aims to achieve several objectives, we mention among them: the design and evaluation of new interactive applications with tangible objects; Recognition and monitoring of human activity.



Le Mont Houy
59313 Valenciennes Cedex 9



Regional strategic areas of activity

  • Cultural and creative industries
    • Applications, outreach and cognitive sciences
    • Tourism, heritage and digital world
  • Digital World and Robotics
    • Artificial intelligence, image processing, data science
    • Cybersecurity and digital trust
    • Engineering, software design, open source software
    • Robotics, cobotics, Human-Machine interaction