• Societal and economic transition & Risk management

Knowledge, Organization and Systems (COSTECH)

Research unit - EA 2223


Costech is the multidisciplinary research unit of the UTC’s Department of Technology and Human Sciences. Its particularity is to be focused on the relationships between man, technology and society, on three levels: the technically constituted and technically constituent dimensions of human experience (CRED team), new social practices around digital media and devices (EPIN team), modelling and management of innovation and socio-technical changes specific to contemporary capitalism (IRC team).


  • Xavier Guchet


Rue du docteur Schweitzer


Knowledge, Organization and Systems


Effectif total : 80

Personnel de recherche : 80



The role of the Costech Unit is to develop research in the humanities and social sciences (SHS) in the context of an engineering school, which is also a university of technology. In this way, and throughout its history, the Costech project has been at the confluence of SHS and engineering sciences.
The project of the unit for the next five years is to develop technological research in SHS in/on contemporary socio-technical environments.
Costech thus endeavours to combine ambitious and unconventional conceptual research with a desire to test technical, organizational and social achievements. The members of the unit thus participate in the realization of concrete devices: design of interfaces and coupling devices, participation in innovation processes, implementation of pedagogical or participatory devices, development of strategies of valorization.

Example(s) of projects

Labex MS2T (Maîtrise des systèmes de systèmes technologiques), ITOIP, MaLO, DRIFT-FH, NUMACTT

Example(s) of publications

Al our publications can be found here

Collaborations/Partners/Scientific clients

Sorbonne Uiversité, UniLaSalle, UTT, UTBM…

Collaborations/Partners/Private Clients

Renault, Dassault Aviation, DCNS, Airbus, Decathlon, EDF, IRCAM, Ineris, Orange Lab., Cité des sciences et de l'industrie, Cnes, Éducation nationale, association Décider ensemble, Commission nationale du débat public, CHU Amiens…

Services offers

Applications sectors

  • Education / Training
  • Science / Research

Services provided

We provide services on all our skills

Training offers

We provide formations on all our skills

Consulting services

We provide consulting services on all our skills


Affiliated institutions / organisations



Regional strategic areas of activity

  • Societal and economic transition & Risk management
    • New economic models
    • Societal issues, employment, inclusion, social innovation