- Cultural and creative industries
- Societal and economic transition & Risk management
Legal Research Laboratory (LARJ)
Research unit - UR 3603
LARJ is the ULCO’s only legal research laboratory. It is structured around two lines of research. A first axis, privatist, is concerned with the reactions of business law to economic developments. In order to respond to the concerns of the local economic fabric, particularly of businesses in the tourism sector, the main task is to study how the law responds to the problems posed by the new economies, social and solidarity economy, collaborative economy, evolution of labour law to take into account the changing needs of businesses and the aspirations of employees, as well as those generated by the development of digital technology. The second axis, which is essentially publicist, articulates its scientific project around two structuring strands: local public action and environmental public action. In addition, there is cross-cutting research in tourism law.
- Sophie Moreil
21 rue Saint Louis
Maison de la Recherche en Sciences Humaines - Pavillon Clocheville
62200 Boulogne-sur-mer
Effectif total : 43
Personnel de recherche : 22
Personnel d'appui à la recherche : 2
• Research and training in public law, specifically local policy
• Research and expertise in environmental law
• Research and training in tourism law
Example(s) of publications
Services provided
Consulting services
Affiliated institutions / organisations
Doctoral schools
Regional strategic areas of activity
- Cultural and creative industries
- Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, 3D and 360° Interaction
- Societal and economic transition & Risk management
- Public and European policies