• Societal and economic transition & Risk management

Lille University Data Platform (PUDL)



Our platform provides support for quantitative research in the humanities and social sciences (SHS). We aim to promote the use of large surveys, databases, indicators and other quantitative data in SHS. Our mission is to support researchers in SHS using quantitative data and to promote the use of these data in SHS. We can help you search for data, provide training, find tools, and help you finance your projects.


  • Ada-Marlen Chmilevschi
    Technical manager
  • Mathilde Guergoat-Larivière
    Scientific manager


2 rue des Canonniers
Maison européenne des sciences de l'homme et de la société
59002 LILLE


Lille University Data Platform

Chiffres clés

• 10 days of collective training, 170 participants from all the universities of Hauts-de-France and other French institutions
• 40 users individually supported to access data, free or secured
• 2 interventions in national/international symposiums/conferences


Effectif total : 2



• Identification and access to quantitative data
• Use/analysis of data with specialized methods and software
Official statistics data in the humanities and social sciences
• Use of large surveys, databases, indicators and other quantitatively processed data in SHS
• Awareness of data use and issues (data management plan, GDPR...)

Collaborations/Partners/Scientific clients

We are at the service of all laboratories, universities and doctoral schools in Hauts-de-France (see list of laboratories affiliated to MESHS: https://www.meshs.fr/page/laboratoires_affilies).

Services offers

Applications sectors

  • Science / Research

Services provided

• Assistance in researching and obtaining data (indicators, databases, major official statistics surveys, international data and surveys, CNIS and CASD procedures for confidential data, etc.)
• Help in understanding the data, the metadata, the associated documentation (sample, methodology, code dictionary...)
• Advice and support for statistical data analysis, lexical analysis of textual corpora, cartographic analysis

Training offers

Group training on methodological issues or specific (free) software, Seminars, Study days, Conferences, Summer schools

Consulting services

We provide consulting services related to all our areas of expertise.


PUDL funds the subscription to an SD-BOX allowing access to data available at the Secure Data Access Center (SDAC). Three boxes are available at MESHS. We use:
• statistical software (- SAS 9.3©, SPSS 17.0© (PASW Statistics), STATA SE 14©, PSPP©, R Rstudio)
• textual analysis software (Alceste 2015, Lexico)
• cartographic analysis software (MAPINFO V15©)
• Stattransfer© software that allows you to convert databases from one format to another


Affiliated institutions / organisations




Regional strategic areas of activity

  • Societal and economic transition & Risk management
    • Societal issues, employment, inclusion, social innovation