• Chemistry and Materials
  • Energy and Environment
  • Transport and Mobility

Physico-Chemistry of Combustion Processes and Atmosphere (PC2A)

Research unit - UMR 8522


PC2A is a research laboratory that conducts fundamental and applied research in the fields of energy and atmospheric sciences. The laboratory develops state-of-the-art optical and spectroscopic techniques for the quantification of stable or radical gaseous chemical species, particles and soot.
By combining experiments and modeling, we determine the chemical mechanisms at high and low temperatures during the combustion of conventional or alternative fuels, aiming in particular to reduce polluting emissions.
We also determine the mechanisms behind the reactivity and formation of pollutants in the atmosphere, the sources of pollutants in both external and confined environments, as well as the impacts of these pollutants on health and the environment.
Our third area of research is related to the reactivity and fate of fission products in the context of safety of nuclear installations.


  • Benjamin Hanoune


Bâtiment C11, Avenue Mendeleïev
Campus Cité Scientifique, Université de Lille


Physico-Chemistry of Combustion Processes and Atmosphere


Effectif total : 48

Personnel de recherche : 21

Personnel d'appui à la recherche : 9



• Atmospheric chemistry
• Reactivity and atmospheric degradation
• Air Pollution
• Outdoor and indoor air quality
• Metrology for the quantification of stable and reactive chemical species

• Combustion
• Chemical mechanisms related to combustion
• Auto-ignition of fuels
• Formation and destruction of pollutants (NOx, PAH, soot)
• Physico-chemical modeling of combustion
• Flames
• Formulation of new fuels
• Biofuels
• Combustion of hydrogen

• Formation and evolution of chemical species in gas phases
• Thermodynamics and chemical reactivity of fission products
• Chemistry of halogens
• Reactivity of chemical species
• Quantum chemistry
• Interaction of fission products and surface

Example(s) of projects

• ANR OFELIE : Impact des carburants oxygénés sur les moteurs essences
• Projet APOLLINE Air Pollution and Individual Exposure 🡭

Example(s) of publications

• Sonia Taamalli, Michal Pitoňák, Theodore Dibble, Ivan Černušák, Florent Louis. Theoretical Study of the Monohydration of Mercury Compounds of Atmospheric Interest. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, American Chemical Society, 2021, ⟨10.1021/acs.jpca.1c02772⟩ 🡭
• Dumitru Duca, Claire Pirim, Marin Vojkovic, Yvain Carpentier, Alessandro Faccinetto, et al.. A novel laser-based method to measure the adsorption energy on carbonaceous surfaces. Carbon, 2021, 173, pp.540-556. ⟨10.1016/j.carbon.2020.10.064⟩ 🡭
• Kenneth Mermet, Emilie Perraudin, Sébastien Dusanter, Stéphane Sauvage, Thierry Léonardis, et al.. Atmospheric reactivity of biogenic volatile organic compounds in a maritime pine forest during the LANDEX episode 1 field campaign. Science of the Total Environment, Elsevier, 2021, 756, pp.144129. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.144129⟩ 🡭
• Nathalie Lamoureux, Pascale Desgroux. In Situ Laser-Induced Fluorescence and Ex Situ Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy Applied to NO Measurement in Flames: Microprobe Perturbation and Absolute Quantification. Energy and Fuels, American Chemical Society, In press, ⟨10.1021/acs.energyfuels.0c03806⟩🡭
• Benjamin Hanoune, Redha Kassi, Bernard Verbeke, Eliane Assy, Laurent Clavier, et al.. Conception and deployment of the Apolline sensor network for IAQ monitoring. X IAQVEC 2019 - 10th international conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings, Sep 2019, Bari, Italy. 042026, 6 p., ⟨10.1088/1757-899X/609/4/042026⟩ 🡭

See the full list of publications here.

Collaborations/Partners/Scientific clients

Aix Marseille University, National Center for Meteorological Research, IRSN, IMT Lille Douai...

University of Tripoli (Lebanon), Jülich Research Center (Germany), University of Bratislava (Slovakia), State University of New York (USA), Da Nang University (Vietnam), Kyoto University (Japan), University of Sydney (Australia), Ibn Zohr University of Agadir (Morocco), York University (United Kingdom), Ghent University (Belgium)

Collaborations/Partners/Private Clients

Framatome - Labcom "Powder Uranium MetAllurgy - PUMA", Total, IFPEN

Services offers

Applications sectors

  • Energy
  • Automotive industry
  • Education / Training
  • Science / Research

Services provided

• Generation and metrology of gases and aerosols
• Air quality studies
• Control of pollutants at emission

Training offers

• Training in laser spectroscopy methods for the analysis of reactive environments.
• Master Atmospheric Sciences (https://www.labex-cappa.fr/training-program/)
• Master Integrated Research for advanced chemistry and materials (https://www.univ-lille.fr/formations/fr-00002127.html)

Consulting services

Consulting services in line with our expertise: energy, combustion, environment, air quality, measurement methods, calculation methods


Affiliated institutions / organisations



Doctoral schools

Regional strategic areas of activity

  • Chemistry and Materials
    • Industrial processes engineering, efficient processes
  • Energy and Environment
    • Efficient and sustainable buildings (eco-construction, eco-renovation)
    • Low-carbon combustion (biofuels, hydrogen, new technologies)
    • Observation, monitoring and management of the environment
  • Transport and Mobility
    • Reduction of pollution and energy consumption